One Day Beginners Life Drawing workshop with Julia Burton:
"I loved every minute of your class! Even those bits when I felt a little (well quite a bit) paralysed with nerves. You really relaxed the group and brought out the best in us - certainly me - amazing when I look back on my pics and wish I’d taken a video at the end to show just how wonderfully you show cased our work and really made us see things in a different way and appreciate light and dark! Wasn’t it an incredible journey!" N. Christie
"Thank you very much for a great day. I really enjoyed how you structured the day. It was especially good for me to do the short quick exercises using different materials. It highlights to me how my ‘need to get it right gets in the way of my creativity. I really liked having the music in the background and the way you worked with the light on our last exercise. I would like to do a day again...." V. R.

"The Art Stables is the most wonderful spacious, light and airy space that anyone could wish for. The classes provide a lovely, environment, suitable for beginners or more experienced students alike." Eva Davies
"Julia is a great instructor who sets good exercises and gives valuable feedback." Simone Nyman

"I am delighted that the Art Stables has opened, giving me an opportunity to once again try my hand at oil painting. It is nearby and the studio is a comfortable place to work in, light and airy, with large windows and good use of sinks, taps for cleaning brushes etc. Also the hot water urn for tea and coffee making." Rose Kochane.
"The Art Stables provides a generous space and good facilities and materials.
The Intuitive Abstract Painting course has been a joy to me, and is my first experience with acrylics. Every member of the friendly group is encouraged and inspired during the lesson by the teacher, Julia. I am very much a beginner and have learnt so many techniques and experimented with numerous ideas on the course. But, however you like work is taken into account and there is absolutely no pressure to conform to a way of working, or indeed what type of paintings you produce.
For me, this is what Art is all about. I strongly recommend the Art Stables as a great facility, but particularly this course for it’s balance of teaching and freedom to express yourself." C.Clark

"I have only been coming for a couple of terms, but I really enjoy being a part of this artistic team. The tutor is so kind and caring and always has a kind word as he explains the right way to do things. It really is GREAT therapy!" S. Green
"I am so pleased I found this place. Everything is very well thought out at The Art Stables and it's a pleasure to come here." Marie Odman.
"It's wonderful, I really enjoy it" Angela P. Clay Sculpture Student.